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11 Fascinating Facts About Lake Baikal, Russia

Unearthed : Lesser-Known insights of Lake Baikal

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The Lake Baikal is not only limited to being the largest freshwater lake in the world.

One of the Oldest

The Lake Baikal is estimated to be around 25 million years old, that makes it one of the oldest lakes on the planet Earth.


The lake is so vast that its surface area is comparable to the size of the European country Belgium.


Being renowned for its crystal-clear waters, its visibility reaches up to 130 feet (40 meters) in some areas.


With approximately 20% of the planet’s unfrozen freshwater reserve, Lake Baikal holds the title of being the largest freshwater lake by volume.


Reaching depths of approximately 5,387 feet (1,642 meters), Lake Baikal holds the title of the world’s deepest lake.

Also known as

Due to its abundant biodiversity and unique species, Lake Baikal is often referred to as the “Galapagos of Russia.”


Lake Baikal harbors over 1,700 species of plants and animals, with two-thirds of them exclusive to this unique ecosystem.


Lake Baikal boasts exceptionally clean and oxygen-rich water, providing a habitat for diverse aquatic life, including the Baikal seal, the world’s only freshwater seal species.


There are around 27 islands in Lake Baikal, among which the largest of Olkhon Island.

Historical sites

On the shores of Lake Baikal, one can discover various historical sites, including Buddhist sanctuaries, ancient petroglyphs, and remnants of old trade routes.


The indigenous Buryat people, who have inhabited the region around Lake Baikal for centuries, have a deep spiritual connection to the lake, considering it sacred and a source of inspiration for their culture and traditions.

Indigenous groups, like the Evenki and Tofalar, practice reindeer herding, maintaining a nomadic lifestyle linked to Lake Baikal’s ecosystem.

Mystical energy

Certain residents and spiritual seekers hold the belief that Lake Baikal possesses mystical energies, attracting those in search of spiritual rejuvenation and healing.

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