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OSHO : Man who once shooked the West

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Osho, born Rajneesh Chandra Mohan Jain, was an Indian spiritual leader who achieved global renown, especially in the West, for his unorthodox teachings on spirituality and meditation. His transformation from a philosophy professor to a widely revered spiritual guru is both intriguing and multifaceted.

Rise to Popularity in the West

During the 1970s and 1980s, Osho’s popularity surged in the West. His appeal stemmed from his unique ability to merge Eastern spiritual traditions with Western ideas of personal freedom and self-expression. He attracted numerous followers from Europe and North America who were dissatisfied with traditional religious structures and sought alternative spiritual paths.

His ashram in Pune, India, became a sanctuary for Western seekers, offering a mix of therapies and meditation practices that integrated ancient Indian techniques with modern psychological insights. Osho’s magnetic personality, provocative speeches, and promise of a new way of living drew thousands to his commune.

Enduring Belief in Osho’s Theories

Osho’s teachings remain influential because of their timeless relevance and deep understanding of human nature. He promoted a life of mindfulness, awareness, and celebration, challenging conventional norms and encouraging individuals to liberate themselves from societal conditioning. His focus on living in the present moment and embracing life’s uncertainties has a broad appeal.

Osho’s theories on meditation as a path to inner peace and personal transformation continue to resonate. His dynamic meditation techniques, which involve physical activity and emotional release followed by silence and stillness, provide a practical approach to managing the stresses and anxieties of modern life.

Resistance from Western Governments

Despite his widespread appeal, Osho encountered significant resistance from Western governments, notably in the United States. In 1981, he established a commune in Oregon, which quickly became a controversial experiment in communal living.

The rapid expansion of the Rajneeshpuram community, combined with its unconventional practices and conflicts with local residents, led to increased scrutiny from authorities.

Osho and his followers faced accusations of numerous illegal activities, including immigration fraud, bioterrorism, and attempted murder. The most notorious incident was the 1984 Rajneeshee bioterror attack, where followers deliberately contaminated salad bars in The Dalles, Oregon, with salmonella bacteria, resulting in hundreds of illnesses. This created widespread fear and mistrust, leading to legal battles and Osho’s eventual deportation from the United States in 1985.

Rolls-Royce Collection

A significant and controversial aspect of Osho’s lifestyle was his collection of Rolls-Royce cars. At its peak, his collection included 93 Rolls-Royces, which were seen as symbols of luxury and opulence. This extravagant display was both admired by followers and criticized by detractors, who saw it as contradictory to spiritual values. Osho defended his collection by suggesting it was a form of meditation and a way to challenge conventional notions of asceticism.

Legacy and Controversy

Osho’s legacy is a complex mix of spiritual wisdom and controversy. His teachings continue to inspire millions, with his books and recorded discourses widely read and listened to around the world. The Osho International Meditation Resort in Pune remains a popular destination for those seeking spiritual growth.

However, the controversies surrounding his life, particularly the legal issues and allegations of criminal activity, have cast a shadow over his legacy. Critics contend that some of his commune’s practices and the actions of certain followers were harmful and unethical.


Osho’s impact on spiritual thought and his ability to connect with a global audience underscore his significance as a spiritual leader. His teachings provide valuable insights into personal development and mindfulness, though his controversial legacy highlights the complexities of leading a spiritual movement. Despite the controversies, Osho’s message of living fully and embracing life’s mysteries continues to attract and inspire new generations.

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