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Reclaiming Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir (PoK): A Comprehensive Analysis

The Kashmir issue remains one of the most contentious and unresolved disputes in modern geopolitics. Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir (PoK), a region claimed by both India and Pakistan.

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4th August, 2024

By Krit Yansh

Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir (PoK), a region claimed by both India and Pakistan, has been a flashpoint for conflict since the partition of India in 1947. In this blog, we will explore the potential ways India can reclaim PoK, the aftermath of such an action, the international pressure it would invoke, and the reactions from key global players.

We will also examine the speeches by Indian leaders advocating for the reclaiming of PoK, the integration of the Islamic population post-reunion, and the challenges India faces. Additionally, we will delve into the historical context, UN involvement, and the implications of renewed UN attention on the issue.

Historical Context and UN Involvement


The Kashmir conflict traces back to 1947, when British India was partitioned into India and Pakistan. Maharaja Hari Singh, the then ruler of Jammu and Kashmir, initially chose to remain independent but eventually acceded to India in exchange for military aid against Pakistani tribal invaders. This led to the first Indo-Pak war, resulting in a UN-mediated ceasefire in 1949 and the establishment of the Line of Control (LoC), which left PoK under Pakistani control. The UN Security Council passed resolutions calling for a plebiscite to determine the region’s future, which remains unfulfilled to this day.

If the issue were to return to the UN, it would likely face a complex and contentious debate. Given the current geopolitical climate, major powers would be divided in their support, potentially leading to prolonged negotiations without a definitive resolution.

Reclaiming PoK: Potential Strategies

  1. Diplomatic Efforts: India could intensify diplomatic efforts to build international consensus on its claim over PoK. This would involve leveraging historical, legal, and moral arguments to gain support from influential nations and international bodies.
  2. Military Action: Though fraught with risks, military intervention remains an option. This would require careful planning, ensuring minimal civilian casualties and securing the region swiftly to prevent prolonged conflict.
  3. Internal Stabilization: Strengthening internal security and governance in Jammu and Kashmir can create a model of development and stability, showcasing the benefits of Indian governance and swaying public opinion in PoK.
  4. Economic Integration: Offering economic incentives and development projects can help integrate PoK economically with India, making it more appealing for the region’s inhabitants.

Aftereffects and Challenges

Reclaiming PoK would have significant aftereffects:

  • Integration of the Islamic Population: Integrating a predominantly Muslim population poses challenges in terms of social cohesion, cultural integration, and addressing grievances. India’s secular and democratic framework can provide a robust foundation for this integration.
  • Radicalism: The presence of radical elements in PoK could destabilize the region. India would need a comprehensive strategy to counter radicalism and promote moderation.
  • International Pressure: Reclaiming PoK would invite international scrutiny and pressure, particularly from countries with vested interests in the region.

International Reactions

Supporters of India’s Claim

  1. United States: Historically, the US has maintained a neutral stance, advocating for bilateral resolution. However, recent strategic partnerships with India have seen a shift towards supporting India’s territorial integrity. As former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo remarked, “The US stands with India in its efforts to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity.”
  2. Israel: Israel has consistently supported India on various fronts, including defense and counter-terrorism. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu once stated, “Israel recognizes India’s legitimate security concerns and supports its efforts to maintain peace and stability in the region.”
  3. France: France has been a strong advocate for India in international forums, including the UN. French President Emmanuel Macron has expressed support for India’s stance on Kashmir, emphasizing the importance of dialogue and bilateral resolution.

Supporters of Pakistan’s Claim

  1. China: China has been a staunch ally of Pakistan, viewing Kashmir through the lens of its geopolitical rivalry with India. Chinese officials have often reiterated that the Kashmir issue should be resolved in accordance with the wishes of the Kashmiri people, indirectly supporting Pakistan’s stance.
  2. Turkey: Turkey has vocally supported Pakistan on the Kashmir issue. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has repeatedly called for international intervention, stating, “The Kashmir issue is a bleeding wound of the Muslim Ummah and needs to be resolved in accordance with UN resolutions.”
  3. Saudi Arabia: While Saudi Arabia has traditionally balanced its relations with both India and Pakistan, it has leaned towards supporting Pakistan on Kashmir, emphasizing the need for a peaceful resolution.

Indian Leadership on PoK

Indian leaders have consistently reiterated their commitment to reclaiming PoK:

  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi: In his Independence Day speech in 2019, Modi asserted, “The time has come to unite Jammu and Kashmir with the rest of India and reclaim every inch of our territory.”
  • Defense Minister Rajnath Singh: Singh has often emphasized India’s resolve, stating, “PoK is a part of India and we will reclaim it. The only issue to discuss with Pakistan is the return of PoK.”
  • Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar: Jaishankar has highlighted the international legal aspects, saying, “The entire state of Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India. We will not rest until we have reclaimed our territory.”

Challenges and External Exploitation

India faces several challenges due to the Kashmir issue:

  • Terrorism: Cross-border terrorism remains a significant threat, with Pakistan allegedly supporting militant groups operating in the region.
  • Radicalism: Islamic radicalism poses a challenge to India’s secular fabric and national security.
  • China’s Influence: China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) run through PoK, complicating the issue further.


The Kashmir issue, born out of the tumultuous partition of 1947, remains a complex and sensitive matter. Reclaiming PoK involves navigating a myriad of challenges, from international pressure to internal integration. While diplomatic efforts and strong governance can pave the way, the journey is fraught with hurdles. As India continues to assert its claim, the global community’s response and the region’s stability hang in the balance.


  1. UN Resolutions on Kashmir: United Nations Archives
  2. Statements by Indian Leaders: Official Government Speeches and Press Releases
  3. International Reactions: Public Statements by US, Israeli, French, Chinese, Turkish, and Saudi Officials

Images used in this are for graphical representation only.

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