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Why people of Iran Hated him

Videos are surfacing on the Internet, where people can be seen celebrating over his Death. Here is why people of Iran doing so

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After the death of Raisi, many common people especially the women of Iran can be seen celebrating

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi speaks during a meeting with the cabinet in Tehran, Iran, October 8, 2023. Iran’s Presidency/WANA (West Asia News Agency)/Handout via REUTERS/File Photo

Reppresive Policies

Raisi has been associated with the Iranian judiciary and security apparatus, which have been criticized for human rights abuses and restrictions on civil liberties, including those affecting women. Women who have been directly impacted by such policies, such as arbitrary arrests or restrictions on their freedom of expression, may harbor resentment toward him.

Economic Difficulties

The economic challenges in Iran have a greater impact on women, especially those who are economically marginalized or disadvantaged. If Raisi’s presidency worsens issues like unemployment or inflation, women who are most affected by these problems may hold resentment towards him.

Lack of Reform

Some Iranians may be disappointed by Raisi’s perceived failure to address issues such as political freedoms, women’s rights, and civil liberties. If they expected him to bring about positive change but saw little progress, they might view him unfavorably.

Youth Discontent

Iran has a relatively young population, and youth unemployment has been a persistent issue. Young Iranians, in particular, might feel disillusioned if they perceive Raisi’s policies as failing to address their economic and social aspirations, leading to resentment toward him.

Civil Liberties and Freedom of Expression

Iran has faced criticism for its restrictions on freedom of expression, including censorship and crackdowns on activists, journalists, and dissidents. People who value these civil liberties may resent Raisi if they perceive him as perpetuating or intensifying such restrictions.

However, the locals are the ones who in real life experience the actual situations. Favouring or hating someone are just like the two faces of the coin. As per the situation, only one of its side can be seen at once but both are realities and they co-exist. It is possible that the magnitude of one surpasses the other, the reality exists on ground level with the locals.

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